Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A Failed Experiment

A Failed Experiment
I have erased my Posterior Reflections post in which I proposed a way for people to glean entertainment from whatever remained of the comedy shows that stole mountains of my content between the years 2007 and 2010. I have the 2009 box set of the Simpsons and I look forward to posting that old script I wrote for a Simpsons Halloween special whenever I get another monitor that can play DVD's. I can't afford one now because people like Matt Groening are such bums.

If you read that post carefully, you would have seen that I only posted it as an experiment. I said that I would let you know if it succeeded or failed. Now I must tell you that it failed.

I guess I'm a little too nice for my own good sometimes, as one who owns so much work that is coveted by the most vicious predators who ever walked the face of the earth. I'm a forgiving soul and I want to love my enemies, but it just isn't practical in my case. This morning I shared the kitchen with two other people from my house and I joked that I drank enough coffee to turn me into a Mexican jumping bean, careful to credit the Flintstones for the source of my humor. One of my room mates thought it would be funny to add that he liked the Simpsons episode about Homer eating chili peppers. I told him that it was a funny script and that they must have stolen it from some other author besides myself. And then I went back to my room extremely hurt. I thought of how I might not have to cope with shared accommodation at all if Matt Groening wasn't such a bum.

What seasons did they tell you they stole from me? They stole their 2007-2010 seasons from me. After that they were limited to their own pens because I had a large presence on television that forced them to leave my comedy alone. So what did they produce from 2010 to 2013 when they were finally cancelled and their friend Seth MacFarlane got punched out in prison? That's what they write for themselves. The same is true of that other fraud cartoon, Family Guy. And I get chills down my spine from seeing Stuie and Bart in my recommended videos at YouTube. Stuie and Bart can go bumfuck each other in prison. Is this what passes for original content now, people's half assed copies of badly drawn cartoons? What a poverty of imagination. I take my inspiration from my own life because I live a very unique life with little or no outside influences on my content. I watch no TV. I don't browse the web. I don't listen to the radio. I just lie on my bed and think of my own experience to come up with original ideas - unless I'm parodying something I saw on a library DVD. Matt Groening doesn't live my life. Why was his name on my work? Seth Macfarlane doesn't live my life. Why was his name on my work? Thanks to them I've had to suffer the image of a hack for sharing some extremely original content. And haven't we reached an abyss with all these Simpsons and Family Guy imitators on the web? Why don't they know how to produce original work?

The TV needs their Simpsons, eh? Yeah, it was the only laugh on twenty out of the hundred channels on TV for a long time. And who wrote those laughs? Does no one really care about that? I do. I think about that Simpsons episode where Homer wouldn't let Mister Burns buy Maggie's bear for all the money in the world and I just change the bear to a comedy script. But the people who all thought this was so nice wanted to sell me out to Mister Groening. Do you really have such high moral standards out there or do you just fancy yourselves that way?

There's a pretty horrible truth to face around popular TV shows like the Simpsons and Saturday Night Live that committed so much fraud with my web posts. Whence did they get their first seventeen seasons? They seem to depend on outside content quite a lot for a show that everyone thought they wrote for themselves. And the drawing is quite poor on those cartoons. Stuie is ugly. Bart is ugly. If I would have created anything like that, I would have burned it and flushed it down the toilet before I showed it to anyone else. (The colors are well done, though) And what is the official policy with horrible truth? It appears that the more horrible it is, the more it is shunned. How will this rectify our situation? Will it not, rather, perpetuate it?

I think people should laugh at the Simpsons instead of laughing with them. They do not laugh well, they are evil. Their creator is an evil bastard with mediocre drawing talent who the business probably only supported to make profitable stardom more accessible to non-artists. And I'm quite sure he went to prison along with the rest of those losers. All he has now is a big pile of fraud loot to impress you but that won't write his cartoons for him.

The enemy of corporate television appears to be any outstanding talent who does not come running right away to them for a job. If such a talent raises the standard of quality expected by the public for things like music and comedy, they must destroy him and use his work to create the illusion of such talent among their own vicious fraud stars. After they pushed me off the web with their crime and bribe money, they used my good comedy to boost sales of their bad comedy and they used my good music to boost sales of their bad music. And this was profitable for them, at least initially, so they thought it was all right.

I doubt I will live long enough to inadvertently rewrite all the material stolen from me by these monstrous comedy shows on television, but I am at least capable of producing new work of equal quality to make up for it. I will be compiling this in my We're All Dying blog over the next year or so.

Yes, and I heard about how she had my hit. Who is she and which hit did she have? I could use a little more complete information on these bulletins since I am blinded here from being able to effectively defend against violations of my copyright and image by having no views and no comments on my web pages. And was I in jail again? No wonder that lawyer wanted to check my driver's licence before he would talk to me here. There's a lie that they just utter from habit now, having said it so many thousands of times over the last ten years. And then when I walk down the street here and get treated like a leper, they want to fault me for it. As for when I walk down the street here and am treated like the invisible man, well, how can you love me and the pricks who steal my best comedy and music at the same time? (April 26: In amendment to this last thought, there seem to be gatherings of smartly dressed people at the library entrance these days. They look like the kind of crowd who might appreciate my work. I don't know.)
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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