Wednesday, May 10, 2017

BC's Hate

BC's Hate

Hey, everyone, look who BC chose for their next premier above. Maybe this might give you some idea of the hate that the local media have created against their fraud victim in the last ten years here. All I have to do is say I dislike one of the candidates and they get elected.

Maybe now you can have a sense of the hate I've been dealing with here in Vancouver ever since I started writing popular music and comedy and sharing it on the web here. The more popular my online posts are, the more I hated I am by the local crowd. But those Crystalids and Shards and that crooked ass who stole my blogs and Nickleback and fucking Blue Rodeo are all here playing concerts at the stadiums with my work.

I am going to take this election result as a most personal insult and I will carry it with me to the United States when I leave.

12:23pm: Who did the Hell's Angels back in this BC election? That might give one side the winning edge, eh? I never saw so much sickening corruption in all my life since I moved to BC: MP's getting arrested, premiers being searched by the RCMP, mayors getting fired. It's easy to tell who really runs the show around here. And I've written a little poem to commemorate this day. I write verses faster when I'm upset. I'll post the link to it from this page as soon as I type it in. And keep an eye on Leonard Cohen and make sure he doesn't steal it. Did anyone punish him for stealing Buck Henry from me in 2007 or am I supposed to bear the burden of that crime too? Oh, and what miserable lies were spun about me to discredit me as soon as I made public my political position? I'm sure we'll find out in a few years, when no one cares about it anymore.

Here is the link to the new poem: Rogue's Paradise.

5:14pm: I'm back after making another recording of the depravity in my home. I'm sure that if I put all this material together onto a fifteen minute video, everyone will know why I left Vancouver - when the time comes.

Did anyone look into that curious comment I spoke of yesterday, the one saying, only a few, mate? Sounded like a rich rock star confessing that he stole more than one of my songs. But that's not news around here, eh? Rich stars stealing from a poor artist on the web? No one thinks that's a crime around here, it seems. In fact, they think I'm at fault for it half the time, like when some lying cunt tells everyone behind my back that she wrote on my cock. When did this happen again? Just in time for the election! What a coincidence. I was wondering how long it would take for someone to lie about my cock again. It's been almost four months since Blue Rodeo lied about my cock and were then busted with a whole album of my old songs (Small Miracles). You'll need to lie about my cock more than that if you want to stay ahead of my new songs, poems, and comedy scripts.

Stars like Tom Hanks shit on my honest father's military record as a World War Two combat veteran. They laughed at my sweet mother's prayers to God on behalf of her poor innocent son. They got my older brother to make a fool out of himself on American television and they got my younger brother to bash me on my birthday. (Yes, Roger, I heard you blubbering about how I 'hurt' you. You mean by defending myself against your fraud with my posts? Did that hurt you when I defended myself against your evil plot to throw me in jail when I'm innocent? Maybe you should run for premier out here.) They break up my personal relationships and they destroy my reputation with lies when I look for work. Does anyone vote for anything out here but the destruction of an innocent poet?

Can you imagine how rich I'd be if I would have gotten paid for all those hours of music they stole out of my YouTube account? I'd be a fucking millionaire instead of having to live in a hellhole and make videos of how horrible it is. And this must be acceptable to everyone because they keep going back to the TV and radio for more. Who decides elections? Do you think it's you? I think it's your lying TV. They favor one side and give it the appearance of being the better choice and then everyone just votes along with it. Fine. At least I tried. But let me tell you local voters that I think you made a mistake by putting a conservative in charge at this time.

I don't need the TV to think for me, I think for myself. And when it comes to crime control, I'm conservative. I never vote conservative because I put people ahead of profits, but if a left-wing party ever wanted to get tough on crime, I'd vote for it first. I have lived long enough to figure out why conservative governments slash social spending. If you're a worker who feels cheated by social spending, you probably think they're doing it to win you over. Not so. They are doing it because of a secret downturn in the economy that will ultimately lead to higher unemployment. Since they anticipate more people will depend on social programs in the near future, they want to trim them down so that they don't have to pay as much to support all the new unemployed workers. I've already seen this happen at least three times in my life. I keep track of things. I don't just let the information of today push out the information from yesterday. So when you end up getting shafted following your lay-off, just remember that you voted for it. And remember that the TV influenced you to vote that way because those corporate kings who rule us so mercilessly own all the TV stations.

This experience has all but destroyed my faith in democracy. I'd rather not have my government depending on a dishonest media that plagiarizes my content and smears my image with vicious lies. I'm tired of having my image fucked with every time I share my political opinion during an election. Right now I think our democracy is a full of shit failure. Here is my latest comedy post: Twitocracy.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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