Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Legal Post-Script 3

Legal Post-Script 3
July 7, 2017: I have been forced to open another blog to stay in touch with the world at: Broadcasting Artist Killers Breed Fraud.

July 4, 2017:

I took the above shots before I left my room this morning to defend myself against another image violation and a very poor pun. Hairbald? I guess they thought that was somehow clever, even though I am far from losing my hair. Is baldness supposed to detract from my appearance? I thought it was hip to be bald. Is it meant to distinguish hair baldness from fur baldness? Or is it some abominably untenable association with the word ribald? If so, I guess that's what I get for teaching them a new word. (I got it from Dostoevsky's translator, myself.)

Looks like the same kind of witlessness leveled at me as last week's fat jokes when I'm not fat; the kind of cruel, insensitive humor that mocks the bald and overweight, at the same time as being stupid for totally missing its long haired, slim target. It's the kind of nauseating joke that one would expect from a degenerate, such as a Vancouver jailbird who celebrates being a total drain on society by spending his whole welfare check on household cleaners to inject into his bloodstream and then needs to collect free meals from charity for the rest of the month each month. What a shame that I had to rub shoulders with such people here because they take it as a license to go on the internet and attack my image behind my back like this every day. In Russia I bet they'd each have been executed with a bullet to the back of the head by now, having had to first have been immobilized by a bullet in the leg once they sensed their infernal destination. By the way, I don't use the soup lines anymore, since I quit smoking, so I don't care if they disappear and their degenerate dependents all starve to death in the streets. At least it would give me a break on the web after ten years of such stupid, destructive crimes. And if you want to know their favorite hangout at 9:00 am, I bet it's on the computers at my neighborhood library. The seats all open up once I have been forced to post from another location, as has been the case for the last three days in a row that I wanted to stay offline.

5:40pm: I hope that someone tosses a plugged in TV into that downstairs guy's bath after I leave. If it happened now, I would be too much of a suspect. These silicone earplugs I'm forced to wear in my room remind me of Papillon's solitary confinement - except that I may howl in misery as my brain feeds me endless, inescapable web chatter. Constant deafness sure does drive a musician crazy after a few years. Poor Beethoven. Glad I'm leaving that place soon. I expect I will carry a bitter feeling with me for a long time after.

July 3, 2017: Why is there such a full house in the library on a Monday morning? Wasn't Science Week last month? Or did a bunch of people get released from confinement since Thursday morning? Or did their rich employers hire a new crew to tear my blogs apart at their source? And if so, is this strategy working? And how's the nasty owner of the Nastoria Hotel? Up to more nastiness? You'd all know better than I, with a nasty backstabber like that.

I heard something about my song Therapy last night and so I'm here to ask you to check on it for me. All posts of my music outside this or my YouTube account are unauthorized and illegal. Hearing about this possible latest crime forced me to come back online to share some more truth with you.

Since the last roundup of nasty crooks on my doorstep led to another totally unsubstantiated rumor of me having a 'signed dick', with no one bothering to check online to see if the works I am accused of stealing have been erased by me and repossessed by my wealthy 'victim', I am convinced that too many of my neighbors here want me to hang myself over their stars' and broadcasters' embarrassing crimes with my work. They know it hurts me deeply to suffer this nasty image violation over and over and they want me to kill myself over it. Whether they are doing this to spare their own egos or simply by the subconscious pull of their broadcasting oracles makes no difference to me; it hurts me just the same. And it discourages me enormously when I have so much fine work showing in my account that all so many of my neighbors here ever want to do is falsely accuse me of fraud with it after ten solid years of online sharing.

And why do people steal my songs and blogs? Do you think they're doing this for you? I looked into my heart and found all this music and poetry and comedy and I wanted to share it with you. They have nothing in their hearts. They have little or no talent and they simply want power. They use my popular work to gain power for themselves over you. They use my selfless work to commit a totally selfish crime. It is evil. Your children are at risk from being exposed to such evil. But the business thinks anything that gives them a profit is good.

Have you had a look at my Coats from the Lost and Found blog? Do you think I am bullshitting my faith in God to gain your trust? On the contrary, I need my faith in God to stay alive in a world that is so evil that my only hope lies beyond it in the afterlife. After twenty years or so since I first shared a cartoon with the Georgia Straight, I have had nothing but constant pressure put on me to commit suicide by a business that hands over all the good rewards for my work to untalented others who use them against me. The business gives me no hope of success in this world and that is why I lean on God so heavily. And I share my faith with you to help you to have the same hope. You may find this blog's discussions quite comforting - as long as you have nothing too horrible weighing on your conscience.

I think what made my work stand out is that I don't really care about being a star. All the same, it would have been nice to receive the rewards for my work and have been able to look back on happier memories, like the ones this local crowd shares with bands like Nickleback and the Crystalids, and with shows like Saturday Night Live, in my place. Now I am middle aged and it is time to cut down on partying, as I have done by quitting smoking. Sex, too, is not such an important thing for me anymore. At my age I must quit expecting women to love me and start looking forward to my time with heavenly angels. I will follow through with performing my music, but I guess I will be largely indifferent to whatever crowd I attract - in a nice way, of course. Instead, I will have the Kingdom of God foremost in my mind and heart.

1:02pm: Immediately following my post of the above I was joined in the store by the same suspicious looking person as who showed up there yesterday morning, immediately following yesterday's post. I wonder if he's one of these hackers who gets paid by wealthy stars and corporations to go online and ruin my blogs. I'm glad to see that the mysterious blue field is gone from my Coats from the Lost and Found blog here on the library network. Do they use things like that to interfere with the functionality of my page links to my songs/scripts/statements indexes? Anyone - like Telus - who could stoop to supporting the innumerable frauds committed with my songs and blogs is capable of even worse now. Why are such despicably evil entities at the top of our society? Oh yeah, because we want to drive our most truth championing artists and poets to suicide and are successful at it nine times out of ten!

I've added a vital link to my Chronoblog, the one which joins it to my Chronology of Recordings. I'm alone here and so I can't remember everything all at once by myself. You'll see that Nonchalant is still online from the day I re-posted it. That's if you're having trouble accessing my Lyrics Index. Did Nickleback steal Nonchalant from me after I first shared it in 2007? I don't know, and so I can't include it with their other violations. And of course, you don't tell me. You always take the stars' side against me, no matter how much of their filthy crimes I expose by simply being myself in my work. But must I endure yet more Nickleback humor from the cashier when I buy the beer I need to calm my nerves as the repeat victim of all this merciless crime and hate? It costs $12.05. When is anyone but me here going to make a joke out of Nickleback's crime rather than their victim's misery? It's been three years since I rewrote and shared Fool's Paradise.

That's it for now. Staying offline is turning out to be even more work than it was for me to be online. 8:11pm: I fixed a few things in my faith blog (Coats from the Lost and Found). Now that I am drunk, I recall my reason for being put here in this world: I am here to learn humility. My hands are powerful weapons, but I'd better not brag about them too much. God made me clever, but I forgot that He is the ultimate comedian, with the supreme power to back up His humor. I will submit to whatever He has planned for me in this life, with the hope that I will be restored to my full standing in the spirit world at the end of my time here.

July 2, 2017: For my neighbors, who've been hearing me shouting in pain over the last few weeks, that is the sound of my brain being ripped apart by online violations of my work. The main culprit this time appears to have been the crew of that dirty production, whose pylons were marked 'Rogue' Productions - see my poem Rogue's Paradise - and whose attempt to extend their crime to my very doorstep was shut down by authorities last Thursday morning. While this is reassuring, it is a big mistake to think that such a show of defensive force will slow down further offenses against me. The stars who stole my work are rich, and now they like to spend their dirty money financing such destructive, criminal enterprises against the talent to whom they owe their fortunes. That's why I'm disappointed with our legal system for not being able to freeze their assets, and I bet Rogue Productions was financed by the dick signed fraud band, Nickleback, or as I call them Diamondback. Also, I am staying offline more and more, which gives online offenders more confidence when they steal my things and tell lies about me.

I can't get my ipod working and I doubt I will post any more videos to George Carlin's YouTube, so if you're not going to seize the ipod I so foolishly gave to Roxanna in 2009, in order to stop her from posting videos of other people in illegal possession of my music in my name, do at least flag her filth wherever you see it popping up. And I'm not sure if that woman who stole my hit (Motion Cautionary, right? I'm not wearing the suspenders for fashion but to ease the pressure on my poor dying kidneys) was lined up to play a show for Canada Day yesterday, as Taylor Swift's fraud was honored here in 2013, but I heard that she was busted. Also, I think it's time to check outside servers and see how many infringements are being committed by all those who translate my work into other languages, such as Cantonese and/or Mandarin, and then claim it as their own. I won't be sharing any more comedy or music until I can get paid for it myself, which might well be never, judging from the miserable results of my eighteen years on the internet up to this unpaid point.

I'm here to update my Chronoblog with more references to my Coats from the Lost and Found blog. None of these offenders want to talk about God or the universe or ethics or anything big like that, eh? They just want to talk about puny things, like their puny careers, or maybe they want to take a fraction of a puny topic being shared by millions through the TV, like some trivial trend, and make it even punier by talking about it themselves. Yes, puny people talk about puny things - consider that an original maxim. I wish these bores would expand their intellectual horizons a bit so that I wouldn't stand out so much and end up falling prey to so many copyright infringements.

And who said I 'gave up'? Yes, I gave up blogging just like I gave up smoking. It's been a real challenge to my willpower, but I know I can stay offline, like I should have done from the outset.

12:13 ATTENTION POLICE/COPYRIGHT ENFORCERS: What do they mean I logged in from another location? What kind of criminal slime is going on right now in this store? Did someone just log in to fuck with my post here? I'm leaving now at 12:16 pm. I'll add this post to my statements index later.

12:43pm: So are we all clear about who went to jail again? Why did I have to come back to defend myself after I said I wanted to stay offline? And are the crooked stars who sponsor all this crime and hate around here pleased to send their pawns to jail so that they can lie and say I was the one who went to jail? And what are you ad people trying to do to me with your slogans? Kill me with bad taste? 'RefreSHing' for Shweppes Ginger Ale? How many other words have 'sh' in them? Not very clever. At least the slogan about how money can buy happiness as long as you're shopping in the right places doesn't try to be unnecessarily clever. No, it just wants to contradict my post on the topic, as well negate the Word of God, and fill all our heads with unspeakable evil. So, does anyone with talent make any money dreaming up creative works here in Goldie Hawn's and Nickleback's Vancouver, or do such artists always end up hanging themselves, like my old friend, surrounded by mountains of examples of their publicly neglected genius, like his paintings and like my songs, poems, and works of humor? I'll be back to add to this the next time I need to defend my image and for no other reason.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Legal Post-Script 2

Legal Post-Script 2
July 3, 2017: Why is there such a full house in the library on a Monday morning? Wasn't Science Week last month? Or did a bunch of people get released from confinement since Thursday morning? Or did their rich employers hire a new crew to tear my blogs apart at their source? And if so, is this strategy working? And how's the nasty owner of the Nastoria Hotel? Up to more nastiness? You'd all know better than I, with a nasty backstabber like that.

I heard something about my song Therapy last night and so I'm here to ask you to check on it for me. All posts of my music outside this or my YouTube account are unauthorized and illegal. Hearing about this possible latest crime forced me to come back online to share some more truth with you.

Since the last roundup of nasty crooks on my doorstep led to another totally unsubstantiated rumor of me having a 'signed dick', with no one bothering to check online to see if the works I am accused of stealing have been erased by me and repossessed by my wealthy 'victim', I am convinced that too many of my neighbors here want me to hang myself over their stars' and broadcasters' embarrassing crimes with my work. They know it hurts me deeply to suffer this nasty image violation over and over and they want me to kill myself over it. Whether they are doing this to spare their own egos or simply by the subconscious pull of their broadcasting oracles makes no difference to me; it hurts me just the same. And it discourages me enormously when I have so much fine work showing in my account that all so many of my neighbors here ever want to do is falsely accuse me of fraud with it after ten solid years of online sharing.

And why do people steal my songs and blogs? Do you think they're doing this for you? I looked into my heart and found all this music and poetry and comedy and I wanted to share it with you. They have nothing in their hearts. They have little or no talent and they simply want power. They use my popular work to gain power for themselves over you. They use my selfless work to commit a totally selfish crime. It is evil. Your children are at risk from being exposed to such evil. But the business thinks anything that gives them a profit is good.

Have you had a look at my Coats from the Lost and Found blog? Do you think I am bullshitting my faith in God to gain your trust? On the contrary, I need my faith in God to stay alive in a world that is so evil that my only hope lies beyond it in the afterlife. After twenty years or so since I first shared a cartoon with the Georgia Straight, I have had nothing but constant pressure put on me to commit suicide by a business that hands over all the good rewards for my work to untalented others who use them against me. The business gives me no hope of success in this world and that is why I lean on God so heavily. And I share my faith with you to help you to have the same hope. You may find this blog's discussions quite comforting - as long as you have nothing too horrible weighing on your conscience.

I think what made my work stand out is that I don't really care about being a star. All the same, it would have been nice to receive the rewards for my work and have been able to look back on happier memories, like the ones this local crowd shares with bands like Nickleback and the Crystalids, and with shows like Saturday Night Live, in my place. Now I am middle aged and it is time to cut down on partying, as I have done by quitting smoking. Sex, too, is not such an important thing for me anymore. At my age I must quit expecting women to love me and start looking forward to my time with heavenly angels. I will follow through with performing my music, but I guess I will be largely indifferent to whatever crowd I attract - in a nice way, of course. Instead, I will have the Kingdom of God foremost in my mind and heart.

1:02pm: Immediately following my post of the above I was joined in the store by the same suspicious looking person as who showed up there yesterday morning, immediately following yesterday's post. I wonder if he's one of these hackers who gets paid by wealthy stars and corporations to go online and ruin my blogs. I'm glad to see that the mysterious blue field is gone from my Coats from the Lost and Found blog here on the library network. Do they use things like that to interfere with the functionality of my page links to my songs/scripts/statements indexes? Anyone - like Telus - who could stoop to supporting the innumerable frauds committed with my songs and blogs is capable of even worse now. Why are such despicably evil entities at the top of our society? Oh yeah, because we want to drive our most truth championing artists and poets to suicide and are successful at it nine times out of ten!

I've added a vital link to my Chronoblog, the one which joins it to my Chronology of Recordings. I'm alone here and so I can't remember everything all at once by myself. You'll see that Nonchalant is still online from the day I re-posted it. That's if you're having trouble accessing my Lyrics Index. Did Nickleback steal Nonchalant from me after I first shared it in 2007? I don't know, and so I can't include it with their other violations. And of course, you don't tell me. You always take the stars' side against me, no matter how much of their filthy crimes I expose by simply being myself in my work. But must I endure yet more Nickleback humor from the cashier when I buy the beer I need to calm my nerves as the repeat victim of all this merciless crime and hate? It costs $12.05. When is anyone but me here going to make a joke out of Nickleback's crime rather than their victim's misery? It's been three years since I rewrote and shared Fool's Paradise.

That's it for now. Staying offline is turning out to be even more work than it was for me to be online. 8:11pm: I fixed a few things in my faith blog (Coats from the Lost and Found). Now that I am drunk, I recall my reason for being put here in this world: I am here to learn humility. My hands are powerful weapons, but I'd better not brag about them too much. God made me clever, but I forgot that He is the ultimate comedian, with the supreme power to back up His humor. I will submit to whatever He has planned for me in this life, with the hope that I will be restored to my full standing in the spirit world at the end of my time here.

July 2, 2017: For my neighbors, who've been hearing me shouting in pain over the last few weeks, that is the sound of my brain being ripped apart by online violations of my work. The main culprit this time appears to have been the crew of that dirty production, whose pylons were marked 'Rogue' Productions - see my poem Rogue's Paradise - and whose attempt to extend their crime to my very doorstep was shut down by authorities last Thursday morning. While this is reassuring, it is a big mistake to think that such a show of defensive force will slow down further offenses against me. The stars who stole my work are rich, and now they like to spend their dirty money financing such destructive, criminal enterprises against the talent to whom they owe their fortunes. That's why I'm disappointed with our legal system for not being able to freeze their assets, and I bet Rogue Productions was financed by the dick signed fraud band, Nickleback, or as I call them Diamondback. Also, I am staying offline more and more, which gives online offenders more confidence when they steal my things and tell lies about me.

I can't get my ipod working and I doubt I will post any more videos to George Carlin's YouTube, so if you're not going to seize the ipod I so foolishly gave to Roxanna in 2009, in order to stop her from posting videos of other people in illegal possession of my music in my name, do at least flag her filth wherever you see it popping up. And I'm not sure if that woman who stole my hit (Motion Cautionary, right? I'm not wearing the suspenders for fashion but to ease the pressure on my poor dying kidneys) was lined up to play a show for Canada Day yesterday, as Taylor Swift's fraud was honored here in 2013, but I heard that she was busted. Also, I think it's time to check outside servers and see how many infringements are being committed by all those who translate my work into other languages, such as Cantonese and/or Mandarin, and then claim it as their own. I won't be sharing any more comedy or music until I can get paid for it myself, which might well be never, judging from the miserable results of my eighteen years on the internet up to this unpaid point.

I'm here to update my Chronoblog with more references to my Coats from the Lost and Found blog. None of these offenders want to talk about God or the universe or ethics or anything big like that, eh? They just want to talk about puny things, like their puny careers, or maybe they want to take a fraction of a puny topic being shared by millions through the TV, like some trivial trend, and make it even punier by talking about it themselves. Yes, puny people talk about puny things - consider that an original maxim. I wish these bores would expand their intellectual horizons a bit so that I wouldn't stand out so much and end up falling prey to so many copyright infringements.

And who said I 'gave up'? Yes, I gave up blogging just like I gave up smoking. It's been a real challenge to my willpower, but I know I can stay offline, like I should have done from the outset.

12:13 ATTENTION POLICE/COPYRIGHT ENFORCERS: What do they mean I logged in from another location? What kind of criminal slime is going on right now in this store? Did someone just log in to fuck with my post here? I'm leaving now at 12:16 pm. I'll add this post to my statements index later.

12:43pm: So are we all clear about who went to jail again? Why did I have to come back to defend myself after I said I wanted to stay offline? And are the crooked stars who sponsor all this crime and hate around here pleased to send their pawns to jail so that they can lie and say I was the one who went to jail? And what are you ad people trying to do to me with your slogans? Kill me with bad taste? 'RefreSHing' for Shweppes Ginger Ale? How many other words have 'sh' in them? Not very clever. At least the slogan about how money can buy happiness as long as you're shopping in the right places doesn't try to be unnecessarily clever. No, it just wants to contradict my post on the topic, as well negate the Word of God, and fill all our heads with unspeakable evil. So, does anyone with talent make any money dreaming up creative works here in Goldie Hawn's and Nickleback's Vancouver, or do such artists always end up hanging themselves, like my old friend, surrounded by mountains of examples of their publicly neglected genius, like his paintings and like my songs, poems, and works of humor? I'll be back to add to this the next time I need to defend my image and for no other reason.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Legal Post-Script

Legal Post Script
July 2, 2017: For my neighbors, who've been hearing me shouting in pain over the last few weeks, that is the sound of my brain being ripped apart by online violations of my work. The main culprit this time appears to have been the crew of that dirty production, whose pylons were marked 'Rogue' Productions - see my poem Rogue's Paradise - and whose attempt to extend their crime to my very doorstep was shut down by authorities last Thursday morning. While this is reassuring, it is a big mistake to think that such a show of defensive force will slow down further offenses against me. The stars who stole my work are rich, and now they like to spend their dirty money financing such destructive, criminal enterprises against the talent to whom they owe their fortunes. That's why I'm disappointed with our legal system for not being able to freeze their assets, and I bet Rogue Productions was financed by the dick signed fraud band, Nickleback, or as I call them Diamondback. Also, I am staying offline more and more, which gives online offenders more confidence when they steal my things and tell lies about me.

I can't get my ipod working and I doubt I will post any more videos to George Carlin's YouTube, so if you're not going to seize the ipod I so foolishly gave to Roxanna in 2009, in order to stop her from posting videos of other people in illegal possession of my music in my name, do at least flag her filth wherever you see it popping up. And I'm not sure if that woman who stole my hit (Motion Cautionary, right? I'm not wearing the suspenders for fashion but to ease the pressure on my poor dying kidneys) was lined up to play a show for Canada Day yesterday, as Taylor Swift's fraud was honored here in 2013, but I heard that she was busted. Also, I think it's time to check outside servers and see how many infringements are being committed by all those who translate my work into other languages, such as Cantonese and/or Mandarin, and then claim it as their own. I won't be sharing any more comedy or music until I can get paid for it myself, which might well be never, judging from the miserable results of my eighteen years on the internet up to this unpaid point.

I'm here to update my Chronoblog with more references to my Coats from the Lost and Found blog. None of these offenders want to talk about God or the universe or ethics or anything big like that, eh? They just want to talk about puny things, like their puny careers, or maybe they want to take a fraction of a puny topic being shared by millions through the TV, like some trivial trend, and make it even punier by talking about it themselves. Yes, puny people talk about puny things - consider that an original maxim. I wish these bores would expand their intellectual horizons a bit so that I wouldn't stand out so much and end up falling prey to so many copyright infringements.

And who said I 'gave up'? Yes, I gave up blogging just like I gave up smoking. It's been a real challenge to my willpower, but I know I can stay offline, like I should have done from the outset.

12:13 ATTENTION POLICE/COPYRIGHT ENFORCERS: What do they mean I logged in from another location? What kind of criminal slime is going on right now in this store? Did someone just log in to fuck with my post here? I'm leaving now at 12:16 pm. I'll add this post to my statements index later.

12:43pm: So are we all clear about who went to jail again? Why did I have to come back to defend myself after I said I wanted to stay offline? And are the crooked stars who sponsor all this crime and hate around here pleased to send their pawns to jail so that they can lie and say I was the one who went to jail? And what are you ad people trying to do to me with your slogans? Kill me with bad taste? 'RefreSHing' for Shweppes Ginger Ale? How many other words have 'sh' in them? Not very clever. At least the slogan about how money can buy happiness as long as you're shopping in the right places doesn't try to be unnecessarily clever. No, it just wants to contradict my post on the topic, as well negate the Word of God, and fill all our heads with unspeakable evil. So, does anyone with talent make any money dreaming up creative works here in Goldie Hawn's and Nickleback's Vancouver, or do such artists always end up hanging themselves, like my old friend, surrounded by mountains of examples of their publicly neglected genius, like his paintings and like my songs, poems, and works of humor? I'll be back to add to this the next time I need to defend my image and for no other reason.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Ongoing Violations 3

Ongoing Violations 3
AMENDMENT: (June 30, 2017) In the face of the human wave attacks I have suffered by all those who profess to tear my posts to pieces as soon as I upload them, I have decided to keep my new works to myself. If I am ever given something better than insults for sharing popular and original things, I may consider sharing my new songs and writings. And that's just great that they've got the music on the radio all protected by supplanting magnetic tape with i-pods when no one wants to steal anything from the boring radio anymore. And how do they protect this music? By charging us $200.00 for an ipod that doesn't work without the aid of a rocket scientist. A tape recorder, on the other hand, would have only cost me about twenty or thirty dollars. I am here today to amend some of my posts from the past with updated information or previously overlooked details. Why don't you check them as I go along to see who has had their names on them since I first posted them?

4:41pm: I've updated my Chronoblog to include my last three blogs from this year. Posting my work online has had a worse effect on my health than smoking, but I managed to quit smoking. Now I can save my money and look forward to playing some concerts of my music in the years ahead. In the meantime, if I hear about more violations of my work, I'm just going to bite the bullet and do nothing. After ten years of fighting this awful crime, money seems determined to let the bad guys win against me. But I know I am happier right now for not needing to lie to myself than I would be as the biggest star in history. If you've only learned one thing from reading all my posts in all these years, I hope it is that fulfillment waits for you in your own heart and nowhere else. (End of insertion.)

I'd rather not be posting anymore on Blogger as I complete my offline file structure and prepare my content for posting outside of Google, but the ongoing crimes against my image and work force me to at least defend myself with this. These new crimes are mostly committed by offenders who have already been repeatedly incarcerated and punished for the same crimes against the same victim over the last ten years. I'm sure I am only able to list a fraction of them here.

June 2017:

June 29: It dawns on me that the young Chinese looking couple who called me a seagull, in reference to one of my Wally the Street Squirrel segments, in the street (Hurry Up and Die) might be copying and pasting my cartoons to a server in China under their own names. If so, I think they should be expatriated for use in the Chinese government's live organ transplant program. If we treated degenerates like that here, I'm sure I'd have a much easier time hanging onto my work. I also heard of violations against new scripts in my We're All Dying blog. Such new scripts might include Inside Scoop/May 13, 2017, Consumer Insight/Just Ask Why, the Swing Party, and any or all of the four installments of the I Know All About It series. And I'm glad I am keeping my new recordings offline because I keep hearing about how someone has my hit. Please check through my 2017 Song Posts blog, for violations of newer recordings, such as Tinsel Heaven, Motion Cautionary, Oblivious, or Mischief. Bands like Nickleback got the big blowjob for ruining my rock, but if radio stations like CFOX and the Peak, which invited so many crimes against my music and image, can get a juvenile delinquent to spray a hateful scrawl on a stop sign or sidewalk every hundred feet of my footpath down Pender Street, they can now get him to spray some new hit songs for them. I'm sure I can find some way to make my fortune without them. And let's start caring about everyone's needy child now, not just the poor children of stars. My own nephew and niece got hurt by this crime, and that hurt me, too.

Given the above, you better keep an eye on this very page to see that it isn't copied and pasted elsewhere. 9:53am: After being called 'hick' in reference to the picture I used for my video of Motion Cautionary, I gather that the intelligent industry insiders on the TV and radio, who reward crippling assaults against commercial talent with money and fame, think a good song comes from the wardrobe, rather than the heart. I don't think you should trust these people to tell you who to admire anymore.

Better keep an eye on powerful new statements, as well, such as the preceding Stars Are Losers. I just know they want to prove it by stealing the statement.

3:15pm: I just heard about fifteen minutes ago that he's the poet. I guess I forgot to include violations of my poetry in this last statement on Blogger. All I mentioned were violations against my cartoons, comedy scripts, statements, and music. But I left out my poems. Did you 'tase' the violator of my music? She has a nasal sounding scream. Sounds like a snob in pain, and a lot of good it did against this new violator only a few hours later. Well, I guess you better check my poetry index for a violation of my poems now. Check YouTube for a video of someone reciting my poems, posted about 3:00pm Pacific time from the Strathcona Branch library here to make it look more authentic. They think that covers their trail when they recite it on a video but the culprit should appear on a word search. I'm going back home and finishing my beer. I'm sure glad I'm drunk today. It's the only way I can take the stress of sharing my work on Google. Don't hold your breath waiting for new posts from me here if I must report nothing but violations like this after ten years online at this site.

June 28: I learn of violations against posts to my Coats from the Lost and Found blog. Recently added original arguments such as Aiming for the Heart, which I wrote to explain my humor and distinguish it from the work of plagiarizing TV stars, as well as to connect it to my faith in God, have been copied and pasted and directed against me. That's unspeakably evil, and I better not share any more original arguments on the internet until we can figure out how to put an end to this miserable problem. After all, if no one is ever going to effectively contain these crimes, why should I let my intelligent arguments fall into the hands of such evil fools? I'm sure I can rely on Google's support in this fight against evil, according to their slogan, don't be evil. Never mind Google's own evil; that's not the evil they're talking about in that.

June 26, 8:00pm: I am startled by a familiar voice on my YouTube post of my live performance of my song Linger which tells me, 'you were good.' The voice belongs to a woman who has already been incarcerated and punished for a lengthy list of crimes against my work and image. To support her statement, I gather that she directs you to an illegal video of the immediately aforementioned violator of my music copyright, in which he offers a very poor live rendition of my song, and tells you that he is me.

The truth is that my singing voice has greatly improved over the last eight years and should improve even more now that I have quit smoking. Compare my 2010 recordings to my 2015 recordings and see for yourself. The truth is that there are no videos on the web of me playing and singing my music except the ones in my Sound Seclusion set in my Chronology of Recordings. All outside videos of my music are illegal and are supposed to be immediately flagged. The truth is that my fans would be more interested in simply supporting me in my gig, regardless of my singing voice, if they would ever be allowed to get a clear picture of what I look like and not constantly steered to videos of Jeff Hisko in my place. How would you young women out there like to have this offender linking your video posts to the posts of a wrinkled old lady and telling the world it was you? But this crime happens to me on an almost daily basis by offenders who have already been incarcerated and punished for crimes against me and my work.

I'm sure I will have more to add to this post by the summer's end. June (indefinite): Illegal videos of an overweight offender of my music copyright are posted online and referred to as videos of me, resulting in a barrage of fat jokes sent in my direction.

June 2: I am falsely accused of being a racist for drawing a picture of a Confederate flag to illustrate the background of a 'hillbilly' marmot in my Wally the Street Squirrel comic strip. My face is supplanted with the face of Charles Manson as the undesirable drinking partner from the pub in my fictitious hotel.

June 1: I am falsely accused of being a pervert for drawing a cartoon of a girl petting a squirrel in my Wally the Street Squirrel comic strip.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Ongoing Violations 2

Ongoing Violations
I'd rather not be posting anymore on Blogger as I complete my offline file structure and prepare my content for posting outside of Google, but the ongoing crimes against my image and work force me to at least defend myself with this. These current crimes against my work and image are committed by offenders who have already been incarcerated and punished for the same crimes against the same victim over the last ten years. I'm sure I am only able to list a fraction of them here.

June 2017:

June 28: I learn of violations against posts to my Coats from the Lost and Found blog. Recently added original arguments such as Aiming for the Heart, which I wrote to explain my humor and distinguish it from the work of plagiarizing TV stars, as well as to connect it to my faith in God, have been copied and pasted and directed against me. That's unspeakably evil, and I better not share any more original arguments on the internet until we can figure out how to put an end to this miserable problem. After all, if no one is ever going to effectively contain these crimes, why should I let my intelligent arguments fall into the hands of such evil fools? I'm sure I can rely on Google's support in this fight against evil, according to their slogan, don't be evil. Never mind Google's own evil; that's not the evil they're talking about in that.

June 26, 8:00pm: I am startled by a familiar voice on my YouTube post of my live performance of my song Linger which tells me, 'you were good.' The voice belongs to a woman who has already been incarcerated and punished for a lengthy list of crimes against my work and image. To support her statement, I gather that she directs you to an illegal video of the immediately aforementioned violator of my music copyright, in which he offers a very poor live rendition of my song, and tells you that he is me.

The truth is that my singing voice has greatly improved over the last eight years and should improve even more now that I have quit smoking. Compare my 2010 recordings to my 2015 recordings and see for yourself. The truth is that there are no videos on the web of me playing and singing my music except the ones in my Sound Seclusion set in my Chronology of Recordings. All outside videos of my music are illegal and are supposed to be immediately flagged. The truth is that my fans would be more interested in simply supporting me in my gig, regardless of my singing voice, if they would ever be allowed to get a clear picture of what I look like and not constantly steered to videos of Jeff Hisko in my place. How would you young women out there like to have this offender linking your video posts to the posts of a wrinkled old lady and telling the world it was you? But this crime happens to me on an almost daily basis by offenders who have already been incarcerated and punished for crimes against me and my work.

I'm sure I will have more to add to this post by the summer's end. June (indefinite): Illegal videos of an overweight offender of my music copyright are posted online and referred to as videos of me, resulting in a barrage of fat jokes sent in my direction.

June 2: I am falsely accused of being a racist for drawing a picture of a Confederate flag to illustrate the background of a 'hillbilly' marmot in my Wally the Street Squirrel comic strip. My face is supplanted with the face of Charles Manson as the undesirable drinking partner from the pub in my fictitious hotel.

June 1: I am falsely accused of being a pervert for drawing a cartoon of a girl petting a squirrel in my Wally the Street Squirrel comic strip.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Stars Are Losers

Stars Are Losers
I wanted to leave that last post, Ongoing Violations, on top here, but I will re-post it with additional information as soon as I become aware of the inevitable new violations of my work and image. Lies and filth seem ever poised to triumph over truth and beauty on the internet, with me being the main casualty. While this post will discuss a scripture passage, I think my treatment of it makes it fit for secular applications. The passage I have in mind is where it is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God. I already touched on it in my Bread Winner statement from my That's Not What I Meant blog.

The scale of the fraud committed with my web posts seems to have been supported by an almost unholy materialism. Materialism is the ultimate folly, I think, because our flesh ultimately fails, but it also threatens to make our short time in this world a complete waste. The corporate broadcasters, who drive the materialism of our culture, have everyone looking for happiness in all the wrong places, which has culminated in droves of violations against my web posts by people chasing the illusory bliss of stardom. But are stars happy? I think not.

If the Rolling Stones were happy, they wouldn't have been so insecure about the songs I wrote and shared in my little YouTube account. Certainly all their millions of fans were secure in the band's superiority over new talent such as myself, at least until their crimes against my music came to light. So being allowed to take the stage in front of thousands of fans as the greatest rock and roll band in the world was not enough to make them happy. And being able to have their way with any woman in the world was not enough to make them happy. And being able to live in fine mansions and ride around in limousines and eat delicious meals and enjoy the finest wines and intoxicants wasn't enough. After several decades of enjoying the best of everything, all it took was a working class Canuck to post a few catchy songs on the web to make them so insecure about their success that they had to steal his songs. Does that strike you as odd? It wouldn't if you understood what was meant by the words, man does not live by bread alone but by every word of God.

Happiness is not a concrete, physical thing, it is an abstraction of the heart. When I speak of the heart in this context, I speak of it as the center of your thoughts and emotions, rather than as a mere physical organ. For instance, it is folly to look for happiness from a physical organ such as your stomach, as the Devil tried to make Christ do by suggesting the latter turn stones into bread. Animals may graze, but they can never be happy. They are limited to mere physical satisfaction. Human happiness is not to be confused with a full belly, but corporate broadcasters have been known to contradict this truth with fast food ads. Shelter is another basic need which we share with animals. We typically gain food and shelter through securing some kind of paying employment. Our economy promises jobs, in order to attend to our basic needs, which is fine, but we are wrong to look for happiness from our careers. In fact, most people are disappointed with their jobs, and it may be because they are expecting too much from them.

Another organ which can be misleading is the reproductive organ. Here again we share a basic need with animals. On a farm a prize boar may be allowed exclusive access to a pen full of sows, much in the same way that the Rolling Stones had exclusive access to their groupies, but sex is a mere execution of a biological function which affords no lasting spiritual payoff. The lover is ever duped by his reproductive organ to think his partner makes him happy, which almost always leads to total and abject misery. (But the blond with the short hair in the baby blue summer dress who I saw a few days ago on Main Street by Keefer must know here and now that I still remember her smile - even though it was pointed away from me - and that I want very badly to fondle her.)

Maybe I wouldn't have to suffer so many violations against my work if people did not look for happiness in all the wrong places. If that musical creep who stole so many of my songs for his band in 2007 had to order his partners to insult me out loud in bed before he could enjoy his contact with them, he was obviously unhappy with his fraud. His folly must be clear to everyone but himself, since he still wants to be a star even now. Or perhaps he seeks happiness in the appearance of happiness - an even more foolish enterprise. All I know is that I would have been happier with my songs and writings if I had kept them to myself, while the happiness they gave my readers and listeners was enough to make some of the biggest stars on earth envious of me.

June 30, 2017: I know how to be happy and I invite others to share my happiness in my work. The crimes against my work may be mostly an effort by inferior talent to destroy my happiness and thus eliminate my work's appeal. Instead they have forced me to keep my best new creations to myself.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Ongoing Violations

Ongoing Violations
I'd rather not be posting anymore on Blogger as I complete my offline file structure and prepare my content for posting outside of Google, but the ongoing crimes against my image and work force me to at least defend myself with this. These current crimes against my work and image are committed by offenders who have already been incarcerated and punished for the same crimes against the same victim over the last ten years. I'm sure I am only able to list a fraction of them here.

June 2017:

June 1: I am falsely accused of being a pervert for drawing a cartoon of a girl petting a squirrel in my Wally the Street Squirrel comic strip.

June 2: I am falsely accused of being a racist for drawing a picture of a Confederate flag to illustrate the background of a 'hillbilly' marmot in my Wally the Street Squirrel comic strip. My face is supplanted with the face of Charles Manson as the undesirable drinking partner from the pub in my fictitious hotel.

June (indefinite): Illegal videos of an overweight offender of my music copyright are posted online and referred to as videos of me, resulting in a barrage of fat jokes sent in my direction.

June 26, 8:00pm: I am startled by a familiar voice on my YouTube post of my live performance of my song Linger which tells me, 'you were good.' The voice belongs to a woman who has already been incarcerated and punished for a lengthy list of crimes against my work and image. To support her statement, I gather that she directs you to an illegal video of the immediately aforementioned violator of my music copyright, in which he offers a very poor live rendition of my song, and tells you that he is me.

The truth is that my singing voice has greatly improved over the last eight years and should improve even more now that I have quit smoking. Compare my 2010 recordings to my 2015 recordings and see for yourself. The truth is that there are no videos on the web of me playing and singing my music except the ones in my Sound Seclusion set in my Chronology of Recordings. All outside videos of my music are illegal and are supposed to be immediately flagged. The truth is that my fans would be more interested in simply supporting me in my gig, regardless of my singing voice, if they would ever be allowed to get a clear picture of what I look like and not constantly steered to videos of Jeff Hisko in my place. How would you young women out there like to have this offender linking your video posts to the posts of a wrinkled old lady and telling the world it was you? But this crime happens to me on an almost daily basis by offenders who have already been incarcerated and punished for crimes against me and my work.

I'm sure I will have more to add to this post by the summer's end.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.