Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Stars Are Losers

Stars Are Losers
I wanted to leave that last post, Ongoing Violations, on top here, but I will re-post it with additional information as soon as I become aware of the inevitable new violations of my work and image. Lies and filth seem ever poised to triumph over truth and beauty on the internet, with me being the main casualty. While this post will discuss a scripture passage, I think my treatment of it makes it fit for secular applications. The passage I have in mind is where it is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God. I already touched on it in my Bread Winner statement from my That's Not What I Meant blog.

The scale of the fraud committed with my web posts seems to have been supported by an almost unholy materialism. Materialism is the ultimate folly, I think, because our flesh ultimately fails, but it also threatens to make our short time in this world a complete waste. The corporate broadcasters, who drive the materialism of our culture, have everyone looking for happiness in all the wrong places, which has culminated in droves of violations against my web posts by people chasing the illusory bliss of stardom. But are stars happy? I think not.

If the Rolling Stones were happy, they wouldn't have been so insecure about the songs I wrote and shared in my little YouTube account. Certainly all their millions of fans were secure in the band's superiority over new talent such as myself, at least until their crimes against my music came to light. So being allowed to take the stage in front of thousands of fans as the greatest rock and roll band in the world was not enough to make them happy. And being able to have their way with any woman in the world was not enough to make them happy. And being able to live in fine mansions and ride around in limousines and eat delicious meals and enjoy the finest wines and intoxicants wasn't enough. After several decades of enjoying the best of everything, all it took was a working class Canuck to post a few catchy songs on the web to make them so insecure about their success that they had to steal his songs. Does that strike you as odd? It wouldn't if you understood what was meant by the words, man does not live by bread alone but by every word of God.

Happiness is not a concrete, physical thing, it is an abstraction of the heart. When I speak of the heart in this context, I speak of it as the center of your thoughts and emotions, rather than as a mere physical organ. For instance, it is folly to look for happiness from a physical organ such as your stomach, as the Devil tried to make Christ do by suggesting the latter turn stones into bread. Animals may graze, but they can never be happy. They are limited to mere physical satisfaction. Human happiness is not to be confused with a full belly, but corporate broadcasters have been known to contradict this truth with fast food ads. Shelter is another basic need which we share with animals. We typically gain food and shelter through securing some kind of paying employment. Our economy promises jobs, in order to attend to our basic needs, which is fine, but we are wrong to look for happiness from our careers. In fact, most people are disappointed with their jobs, and it may be because they are expecting too much from them.

Another organ which can be misleading is the reproductive organ. Here again we share a basic need with animals. On a farm a prize boar may be allowed exclusive access to a pen full of sows, much in the same way that the Rolling Stones had exclusive access to their groupies, but sex is a mere execution of a biological function which affords no lasting spiritual payoff. The lover is ever duped by his reproductive organ to think his partner makes him happy, which almost always leads to total and abject misery. (But the blond with the short hair in the baby blue summer dress who I saw a few days ago on Main Street by Keefer must know here and now that I still remember her smile - even though it was pointed away from me - and that I want very badly to fondle her.)

Maybe I wouldn't have to suffer so many violations against my work if people did not look for happiness in all the wrong places. If that musical creep who stole so many of my songs for his band in 2007 had to order his partners to insult me out loud in bed before he could enjoy his contact with them, he was obviously unhappy with his fraud. His folly must be clear to everyone but himself, since he still wants to be a star even now. Or perhaps he seeks happiness in the appearance of happiness - an even more foolish enterprise. All I know is that I would have been happier with my songs and writings if I had kept them to myself, while the happiness they gave my readers and listeners was enough to make some of the biggest stars on earth envious of me.

June 30, 2017: I know how to be happy and I invite others to share my happiness in my work. The crimes against my work may be mostly an effort by inferior talent to destroy my happiness and thus eliminate my work's appeal. Instead they have forced me to keep my best new creations to myself.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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