Saturday, June 3, 2017

Money Deprives Us

Money Deprives Us
My father used to love carpentry. He built our first home and our cottage with his own two hands. It was hard work but he loved it. But to support his family he had to get another job that he didn't like as much. Money deprived him of following his heart's calling. He needed to work for money instead of working at what he wanted to do.

Just as my father liked carpentry, I like drawing and writing and playing and singing. For money I usually had to go and do something else. I had to take my time that I could have spent on my art and spend it on something else less fulfilling. Money deprived me of pursuing my heart's calling. Instead, money motivated a bunch of vicious jerks to pounce on my work and seize it illegally for themselves. And everyone who ripped me off was rewarded handsomely with money. And everyone who supported the crime, either actively or passively, was rewarded with money.

I think the world would be a far better place to live if people did things because they wanted to do them, rather than for money. I'm sure sure that music and construction, at least, would vastly improve. And I told the world that I do my art for art's sake in 2007. Did anyone read it but a bunch of fake stars who needed material to make themselves look more authentic in front of their mentally manipulated crowd? That's them: 'We need to steal this guy's music because he's really writing it for music's sake and not to be a star and we need them to trust us like that when all we care about is being stars!' And here are the commercial broadcasters: 'Steal from David because he writes music from his heart. Steal from David because he only shares his most inspired comedy. And if you steal from David, we'll tell everyone you're brilliant and talented and you can take all that love we send you and use it to make David kill himself before you get into trouble for stealing his things.'

I think I shared a similar video about coloring my cartoon (Color My Girl) back in 2007. How much do you want to bet that some cartoon thief stole the video and changed the soundtrack to his own voice to support his thefts of my work? If so, I want that filthy video removed. I want all these cartoon jerks rounded up and damn well locked up and punished. I have enough problems with overgrown juvenile delinquents like Nickleback and Blue Rodeo wrecking every summer I spend here. I want serious action now to control these lying fucks.

Why can't they keep them in jail? Oh, right, because it costs too much money! Too bad we can't put money in jail. That seems to be where it belongs.

Did I hear something about advertisers who pulled out of an event the other day? What event was that? Was it an event that has been so spoiled by crime that advertisers are afraid to sponsor it? These know-it-all's in broadcasting wouldn't have seen that coming ten years ago when they embarked on their evil campaign with my life-work.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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