Thursday, June 29, 2017

Ongoing Violations 3

Ongoing Violations 3
AMENDMENT: (June 30, 2017) In the face of the human wave attacks I have suffered by all those who profess to tear my posts to pieces as soon as I upload them, I have decided to keep my new works to myself. If I am ever given something better than insults for sharing popular and original things, I may consider sharing my new songs and writings. And that's just great that they've got the music on the radio all protected by supplanting magnetic tape with i-pods when no one wants to steal anything from the boring radio anymore. And how do they protect this music? By charging us $200.00 for an ipod that doesn't work without the aid of a rocket scientist. A tape recorder, on the other hand, would have only cost me about twenty or thirty dollars. I am here today to amend some of my posts from the past with updated information or previously overlooked details. Why don't you check them as I go along to see who has had their names on them since I first posted them?

4:41pm: I've updated my Chronoblog to include my last three blogs from this year. Posting my work online has had a worse effect on my health than smoking, but I managed to quit smoking. Now I can save my money and look forward to playing some concerts of my music in the years ahead. In the meantime, if I hear about more violations of my work, I'm just going to bite the bullet and do nothing. After ten years of fighting this awful crime, money seems determined to let the bad guys win against me. But I know I am happier right now for not needing to lie to myself than I would be as the biggest star in history. If you've only learned one thing from reading all my posts in all these years, I hope it is that fulfillment waits for you in your own heart and nowhere else. (End of insertion.)

I'd rather not be posting anymore on Blogger as I complete my offline file structure and prepare my content for posting outside of Google, but the ongoing crimes against my image and work force me to at least defend myself with this. These new crimes are mostly committed by offenders who have already been repeatedly incarcerated and punished for the same crimes against the same victim over the last ten years. I'm sure I am only able to list a fraction of them here.

June 2017:

June 29: It dawns on me that the young Chinese looking couple who called me a seagull, in reference to one of my Wally the Street Squirrel segments, in the street (Hurry Up and Die) might be copying and pasting my cartoons to a server in China under their own names. If so, I think they should be expatriated for use in the Chinese government's live organ transplant program. If we treated degenerates like that here, I'm sure I'd have a much easier time hanging onto my work. I also heard of violations against new scripts in my We're All Dying blog. Such new scripts might include Inside Scoop/May 13, 2017, Consumer Insight/Just Ask Why, the Swing Party, and any or all of the four installments of the I Know All About It series. And I'm glad I am keeping my new recordings offline because I keep hearing about how someone has my hit. Please check through my 2017 Song Posts blog, for violations of newer recordings, such as Tinsel Heaven, Motion Cautionary, Oblivious, or Mischief. Bands like Nickleback got the big blowjob for ruining my rock, but if radio stations like CFOX and the Peak, which invited so many crimes against my music and image, can get a juvenile delinquent to spray a hateful scrawl on a stop sign or sidewalk every hundred feet of my footpath down Pender Street, they can now get him to spray some new hit songs for them. I'm sure I can find some way to make my fortune without them. And let's start caring about everyone's needy child now, not just the poor children of stars. My own nephew and niece got hurt by this crime, and that hurt me, too.

Given the above, you better keep an eye on this very page to see that it isn't copied and pasted elsewhere. 9:53am: After being called 'hick' in reference to the picture I used for my video of Motion Cautionary, I gather that the intelligent industry insiders on the TV and radio, who reward crippling assaults against commercial talent with money and fame, think a good song comes from the wardrobe, rather than the heart. I don't think you should trust these people to tell you who to admire anymore.

Better keep an eye on powerful new statements, as well, such as the preceding Stars Are Losers. I just know they want to prove it by stealing the statement.

3:15pm: I just heard about fifteen minutes ago that he's the poet. I guess I forgot to include violations of my poetry in this last statement on Blogger. All I mentioned were violations against my cartoons, comedy scripts, statements, and music. But I left out my poems. Did you 'tase' the violator of my music? She has a nasal sounding scream. Sounds like a snob in pain, and a lot of good it did against this new violator only a few hours later. Well, I guess you better check my poetry index for a violation of my poems now. Check YouTube for a video of someone reciting my poems, posted about 3:00pm Pacific time from the Strathcona Branch library here to make it look more authentic. They think that covers their trail when they recite it on a video but the culprit should appear on a word search. I'm going back home and finishing my beer. I'm sure glad I'm drunk today. It's the only way I can take the stress of sharing my work on Google. Don't hold your breath waiting for new posts from me here if I must report nothing but violations like this after ten years online at this site.

June 28: I learn of violations against posts to my Coats from the Lost and Found blog. Recently added original arguments such as Aiming for the Heart, which I wrote to explain my humor and distinguish it from the work of plagiarizing TV stars, as well as to connect it to my faith in God, have been copied and pasted and directed against me. That's unspeakably evil, and I better not share any more original arguments on the internet until we can figure out how to put an end to this miserable problem. After all, if no one is ever going to effectively contain these crimes, why should I let my intelligent arguments fall into the hands of such evil fools? I'm sure I can rely on Google's support in this fight against evil, according to their slogan, don't be evil. Never mind Google's own evil; that's not the evil they're talking about in that.

June 26, 8:00pm: I am startled by a familiar voice on my YouTube post of my live performance of my song Linger which tells me, 'you were good.' The voice belongs to a woman who has already been incarcerated and punished for a lengthy list of crimes against my work and image. To support her statement, I gather that she directs you to an illegal video of the immediately aforementioned violator of my music copyright, in which he offers a very poor live rendition of my song, and tells you that he is me.

The truth is that my singing voice has greatly improved over the last eight years and should improve even more now that I have quit smoking. Compare my 2010 recordings to my 2015 recordings and see for yourself. The truth is that there are no videos on the web of me playing and singing my music except the ones in my Sound Seclusion set in my Chronology of Recordings. All outside videos of my music are illegal and are supposed to be immediately flagged. The truth is that my fans would be more interested in simply supporting me in my gig, regardless of my singing voice, if they would ever be allowed to get a clear picture of what I look like and not constantly steered to videos of Jeff Hisko in my place. How would you young women out there like to have this offender linking your video posts to the posts of a wrinkled old lady and telling the world it was you? But this crime happens to me on an almost daily basis by offenders who have already been incarcerated and punished for crimes against me and my work.

I'm sure I will have more to add to this post by the summer's end. June (indefinite): Illegal videos of an overweight offender of my music copyright are posted online and referred to as videos of me, resulting in a barrage of fat jokes sent in my direction.

June 2: I am falsely accused of being a racist for drawing a picture of a Confederate flag to illustrate the background of a 'hillbilly' marmot in my Wally the Street Squirrel comic strip. My face is supplanted with the face of Charles Manson as the undesirable drinking partner from the pub in my fictitious hotel.

June 1: I am falsely accused of being a pervert for drawing a cartoon of a girl petting a squirrel in my Wally the Street Squirrel comic strip.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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