Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Typical Hypocrisy

Typical Hypocrisy
We sure have a lot of productions in our neighborhood. Our neighborhood seems to have all the productions. And no one ever asks us if we want them, they just ask the City of Vancouver. It must be great for the stars to have a large section of the city where the people have no rights so that they can trample all over them with their productions. Does no one want to shoot out on their side of town? Why? It's just as urban as our side. Is it because the stars who live there find productions a nuisance? Do they not want to have to step over cables or to be told to walk around the block when they're only ten feet away from their doorstep? But they must all think it's okay for me to be treated like that.

And who needs this production? I don't. I don't need anything from the TV or radio. I don't need their evil manipulating news broadcasts either. I'll live my own life, thank you very much. Maybe one day we can find something more productive for people to do in this world than to bullshit each other with cameras.

Who says I'm humble? Why do you want me to be humble? I'm not humble, I'm just reasonable, but maybe a reasonable man looks humble in contrast to so many psychopathic stars who have outrageous delusions of grandeur.

By the way, was anyone fooled by the face of Goldie Hawn, posing with her great grandchild on the side of that bus? When was Laugh In again? You know: Knock! knock! Who's there? Some asshole with a disappointing punchline! Wasn't that 1968 or 1969? Why hasn't her face aged in almost fifty years? Because she doesn't want to retire after being a star for almost fifty years. My guess is that she is over eighty percent polypropylene by now.
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