Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Perverse Acts of Evil

Perverse Acts of Evil
So who's responsible for filling up my recommended videos with George Carlin's criminal face? I'm considering finding another website for my videos over it. I know that it was deliberate and malicious. After all the miserable harm to my life that YouTube has enabled in the last ten years since I so naively shared my music with them in 2007, I'm reaching the limit of my endurance.

George Carlin stole my poem too. Modern Man. I think stealing poems is a perverse act of evil. And who else steals poems? Let's see, Ellen stole Sappho Asparagus and the Widower. Jay Leno stole Jackie the Pro and the Trailblazer. Saturday Night Live stole the Octiverse - over two thousand lines of rhyming verse that took me three solid months to write - and large numbers of my rhyming 'Songs that Don't Rhyme.' The Simpsons stole at least Part V of the Herald, though I think that whole half hour episode consisted of my poetry. Tom Hanks stole the Veteran. Dateline NBC stole the Porcupine Girls. Oh yes, and Jon Stewart, you know, sweet Jon Stewart, Canada's most trusted source of news, stole Lifetimes and The Poisoned. Etc, etc, etc, etc... You know their crimes better than I do because you watch them on TV and apparently fall in love with them when they plagiarize my content. And these people had you hurling eggs at my window because you thought I was stealing from them. Is anyone hurling eggs at them now?

I don't get it. Stealing music and poetry and original comedy sketches is such a dirty crime and everyone thought I was such a creep for posting my own words in the web. And now it seems like the broadcasters are trying to make the crime of stealing my life-work somehow decent and acceptable. What the hell kind of wicked crime culture is this? Are we sure we're Christian? Are we sure that we believe in God?

With what evil lie do they hold back my visible fan support this week? Every week I hear about how some lying fuck has to restore my image and it's because he or she was allowed to destroy it for an undetermined period. They all line up and keep a constant assault going against my image for ten years and no one seems to know how to put a stop to it. Let me give you examples of some of the lies that support their crimes. When Beyonce had my song Under My Umbrella, I heard I was a racist. When the Crystalids had four LP's of my songs, I heard I was a child molester. And when Blue Rodeo had my songs earlier this year, I heard they had a pen that signed my dick. How would you all like to post your work on YouTube and Blogger and get a result like that? And then they want to shove George Carlin's face up my ass on top of it afterward. So what unspeakable lie are they telling everyone this week?

Why can't we have an industry that wants to focus on making profits instead of covering up losses with miserable lies about its fraud victim? Imagine how much more money they'd have made since 2010 if I'd managed to survive the gauntlet of crime they threw me in from the outset. All those hits I wrote in 2011 wouldn't have gone to waste on a noisy band of posers while I struggled to find a new home. And all the tried and true ones would have stayed on the radio to keep making money all the way to the present. What stupid lie would they counter this fact with, in order to look like they know what they're doing?

Why are all the liars and frauds supported by the industry when the victim of their crimes has to fend for himself? Why do I have no money when I wrote hit songs? Why doesn't someone ask that George Carlin fan over at YouTube? Why wouldn't lawyers want to sue Saturday Night Live when I brought them all the evidence to do it? I hate having to ponder questions like this in my overheated room when I'm having trouble sleeping at night. Do you all think I deserve this for merely writing good songs and good poems and good comedy scripts and sharing them on the web? No one deserves such horrible, unjust, endless torment. I hate my life.

What's this I hear about my mother's grave? Yeah, how old was my mom when Dateline NBC swooped down on her to trick her into consenting to their broadcast? Wasn't she eighty-seven? NBC picks on eighty-seven year old ladies and then they want to set the public standard for decency. They pick on old ladies and peaceful artists and they lie their faces off about me when I call them on it.

Who needs a bunch of stars who've obviously become totally corrupt when I can write circles around them all by myself? I think they've enjoyed the limelight for far longer than they deserve already. I'm bloody well sick of them and I won't miss them. The sooner they all die and join their buddy George in hell, the better. And if you end up there for following them, it won't be my fault. Don't be like my brother Roger, who I continually warned to leave my things alone and who ended up getting nailed for stealing them. Now he thinks I ruined his life. Go back and read how I warned him to leave my work alone. And I didn't bust him, the authorities did. And I didn't punish him, the authorities did. All I did was warn the stupid prick. And he's typical of all these fools who the corporate media loved so much in my place.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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