Monday, June 5, 2017

Break Their Fingers

Break Their Fingers
I've re-posted some old drawings from 2004 at this link: Illustrations from 2004, in order to stop people who don't know how to draw from claiming them as their work. These kind of people really help me to see why envy is one of the seven deadly sins. These untalented creeps have caused so much ruin to my life with their thefts of my work and the ugly lies they tell to support their ugly crimes. (I only call vicious jerks who steal my art and tell dirty lies about me untalented.)

I wrote one of those stories a day for about two months back in March and April, 2004, and then I found myself watching an NBC show where they interviewed an 'author' who said that she shared a story a day and that each one was like a prayer. I certainly hope she was talking about her own stories when she said that. If you watched the Simpsons much in the last ten years, you might notice how they drained the amusing parts out of these stories for their show, such as when Lisa got into crosswords (Read my short story Who Programmed That One?). It certainly was a funny cartoon. I wonder who wrote all the humor for it besides myself. My guess is that a talented artist left behind a large volume of comedy scripts before he killed himself from Matt Groening's abuse. Glad I don't need his dirty show for a laugh anymore. Now I just make myself laugh when I need to.

After I shared my short stories on my Blogger account in 2004, I erased them from my account and moved back to Vancouver to take a job in a recycling plant. Any time I posted a funny script on my Blogger account after that, such as 2005's Debbie Downer, it was immediately stolen by a show like Saturday Night Live, while I helplessly slaved away at my industrial job.

Is the title of this too aggressive? Maybe you should have a look at my 2015 Evolver blog, in which I first started reconstructing old cartoons. I talked about this creep who burst into my home and let me think he was with the Georgia Straight while he told me to 'hurry up' on the printing I was doing for a new cartoon. I gave him the cartoon and he left without a word. Then I called the Vancouver Police about it and they didn't seem to think it was a serious problem. And after I shared this note in 2015, that son of a bitch said 'hello' to me on the street and managed to slip past me before I realized who he was. I think these kinds of dangerous criminals should have a strict restraining order on them if you're going to let them maraud around at large on the street instead of incarcerating them in an 'expensive' prison where they belong. Then maybe their neglected victims wouldn't end up fantasizing about splitting heads open with an ax when they're trying to sleep.

Anyway, I've started another new Wally but I'm running out of rhymes for him. Looks like I will make it into the double digits with my posts of this character, at least.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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