Friday, June 2, 2017

Have a Great Weekend

Have a Great Weekend
I've posted my latest cartoon after working on it for about three days. You may view it at this link: Wally the Street Squirrel, Episode 9. I am tired and ready for the weekend - even though I didn't get paid for my work. But rich stars all got paid for it and that's all anyone seems to care about from what I see.

I want all of my old cartoons removed from the web and the ones who posted them locked up and punished hard. I wrote these to entertain people and these monsters on TV have all but ruined my life with them.

Does the hotel owner recall my first post of this most recent cartoon? Funny, I could swear he was standing right next to me in my apartment, discussing my drawings with me. Maybe he knows who stole my drawing pad filled with cartoons back then. He's not altogether law abiding, that guy, is he? By the way, I do not criticize the people of Vancouver but the stinking corruption that enabled so much crime to be committed with my pure, wholesome art. There were obviously some rotten apples in positions of responsibility.

Yes, when TV stars all gang up on you to wreck your life, it just goes on and on until you die, I imagine. Have a great weekend. I hope you got paid enough money for your job. Me, I'm headed back to the soup lines for another couple weeks. Maybe one of those bum bands here who steal my hit songs will cruise by me in their limousine to gloat.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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