Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tyrants Fear Intelligence

Tyrants Fear Intelligence
I had to come down to another library branch because all the computers were taken from the other library I posted in today. Odd, a crowd suddenly gathered like that. Anyway, I've managed to calm down after seeing the face of George Carlin in four of my recommended videos on YouTube. The effect on me was so profoundly irritating that I must wonder if putting his videos in my face qualifies as some form of criminal harassment. If so, I hope the boys will move in and engage the culprit. At least he or she is helping everyone to see how this web crime with my posts was able to get so far along over there at YouTube. Certainly not my fault.

These criminals really get to have fun with an innocent victim here, eh? They let that hotel owner try to keep me homeless in 2012 so another fraud band could prance around with the new songs I was saving to help me overcome the stigma of the Crystalids crime. Isn't it bad enough that I had to go homeless because I couldn't stand the noise in that hotel anymore? But they let this guy make it harder for me. This is pure sadism. It never ends. And you better hope you're not popular on YouTube if you need immediate medical attention for something as excruciating as kidney stones, like I did late last year. As if their backstabbing lies didn't cause me enough psychological harm, they let me puke my guts out with kidney pain for forty-five minutes to pay for my YouTube success. Now I'm stressed out from trying to quit smoking and they're making it more stressful for me by sticking faces of fraud stars in my face when I sign in to YouTube. Why don't they just come and nail me to the wall of my hovel and get it over with? That's how they like to treat talent. Oh, but the Shards steal Virtue from me and get on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno to play it the next day. And here's the author of the song ten years later, trying to save enough money to finance a tour out of his fucking disability cheque that he was forced to apply for when he has more ability than all of his goofy assailants put together and everyone admires them on TV as people of superior ability.

Did you read all those instances of George Carlin's plagiarism? A lot of good laughs in all that, eh? I still like my joke about using 'water landing' instead of 'fiery death' for a flight attendant to refer to a plane crash. And what motive could I possibly have for saying George Carlin stole my blogs other than telling the truth? Yes, the truth! Does someone have trouble with the truth out there? If so, why? Why do you fear truth? The only people who fear truth are scoundrels.

How's the corporate media? Have they thought of any new strategies in their war against talent? (To the media:) What's my crime again, corporate media? Is it the same one you told everyone last time or did you think of a new one? You know what's happening right now while you're putting so much effort into your personal war against an innocent poet? Some creep is assaulting a helpless victim in the street. And he'll get away with it because you have everyone looking at me. Not only that, he wears his hair short and puts on a suit and tie to look respectable - just like Ted and Paul. How many helpless victims are you going to sacrifice to him while you stay focused on your hate campaign to spare your precious egos?

(To the media:) Do you think everyone loves George Carlin? God, you're clued out. Bill Maher is not everyone. I heard someone say 'he's the beast' today in reference to George Carlin. Sounds like she disagrees with you about George Carlin. Are you going to wreck her life now too?

(To the media:) Why would anyone want to keep loving an old star like that after his crimes were exposed on the web? Do you think no one believes me? Do you think I'm lying? Don't you think that if Saturday Night Live could steal all those hundreds of my posts, George Carlin could do the same? Didn't he launch Saturday Night Live? Isn't he their buddy? Why are you protecting him? What good is it doing?

(To the media:) I think I know the problem that you've always had with me, I'm good. I'm a good talent. And you fear the work of good talent because it stimulates people and makes them think. You don't want people to think. You want them to be listless zombies under your control. So when someone like myself comes along and posts the kind of work that raises the consciousness of the public and stimulates real thought, you desperately need to tear it all apart and pass it off as something rather less than what it was to start with.

(To the media:) Let me give you an example with my latest YouTube post of my poem the Mammals. It's very creative and stimulates ideas. For instance, the words I wrote about Gladys the heifer might resonate with people who feel trapped in the routine of their jobs. But that won't happen if these words take a back seat to Tina Fey's face on the TV. Then the whole work is dismissed as a simple work of comedy with little or no depth. You don't want people to be stimulated by my work, you just want them to pay your stupid stars for it. And there are laws against that. Your stars were prosecuted and punished in prison. They got kicked off the air. And now I have a lot more new work to share and there is really nothing you can do about it.

(To the media:) Do you think our society is great? If it is, it would be in spite of you and your efforts. What's so great about a minority of predators suppressing the masses by imposing restraints on free thought? This a fine hell you've created here for artists and poets and it's heaven for frauds and predators. Are you proud of that? Or are you only proud of the way you lie about it?

I better end this note now. I'm too upset to think clearly.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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