Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Wild Conclusion

Wild Conclusion
Great success from bare survival might be brazenly divided
Where the rule of Mother Nature to the gates may yield
For advantage's pursuit to bring an outcome undecided
Not the compensation owed the mammals in the field

I said in my video today that this last verse from my poem the Mammals essentially says that animals have it harder than we do. Some of you might want me to elaborate on this; that is, if you see this as a work of poetry and not merely as an ordinary comedy sketch on TV. I scored a hundred percent on poetry comprehension when I took my communication test for my advertising course in 1984 and I am the author of this poem, so let me explain it better for you.

Here in the civilized realm, hard work does not guarantee success. I worked my ass off on these posts when I first shared them, but a bunch of dishonest, spoiled celebrities enjoyed the success for them. That goes against nature. The way of the wild (generally speaking) is that when you work, you gain from your work. This is the compensation owed the 'mammals in the field.' By the same token, however, this law of nature condemns wild animals to a life of constant struggle, which is how I see the verse as indicating that animals have a much harder lot than people. While I had to work hard and someone else got paid for it, at least I can still collect welfare, unlike an animal.
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