Saturday, June 3, 2017

Cool Fool

Cool Fool
Did I tell you about that customer in the beer store a couple days ago who was talking to the cashier about Nickleback while I was in the store? Then he said something about how 'he's probably in training', which looked like it was intended for me. I didn't hear everything he said but the only thing anyone should be saying about Nickleback is that they are an untalented band of nasty jerks who stole at least three of my most rocking songs, which were already hits on the web in my name when the band stole them.

Like all the fake stars who stole my work, they only know how to copy what I share. But I didn't share everything with the songs I've posted. Fool's Paradise has a much longer ending than the shared version, at least ten verses. The ending of that song should double its length when I finally record it in a studio for a big label. They'd never get a dull witted band like Nickleback to improve my music like that. And there is supposed to be an instrumental follow up for Nonchalant. I've been listening to it in my brain for most of the last two months and I never grow tired of it. I'm glad I don't depend on the radio for my musical pleasure anymore because I can't trust the radio to tell me the most basic truth about who writes my songs and who doesn't.

How did you like the way that ass sang my Fool's Paradise? He's not much of a singer, is he? He doesn't open up his mouth like I do and blast out the music from his heart. He just mumbles it all - as if he's too cool to show any emotion when he's on the stage. He's a mumbling fool with little or no talent who never deserved a single good thing that he ever got in his life - least of all, the music he stole from my YouTube account. He's an unintelligent, untalented ass who thinks he's cool because he he's too dumb to examine himself effectively. And I'm quite sure he was incarcerated for stealing Fool Paradise when I rewrote the song in 2014 and that the media covered it up so they could use him and his bonehead band against me, right up to the present. I hope that before I die I will have earned the privilege of humiliating bands like this from the same TV and radio that they used for their fraud. Maybe then people will trust their TV's and radios like they did when my music and comedy were being broadcast so widely and so profitably.

But I don't want to take credit for the child's temper tantrum that they tried to pass off as music on the radio last year, that awful hate anthem I heard on the radio here. Nickleback obviously came up with that noise on their own. Too bad they couldn't have done that ten years ago instead of stealing my songs, but they know that my songs are much, much better than their songs.

How long does it take to put a monstrous fraud like this in a place where he can't harm his victim anymore? Who's responsible for letting this criminal offender take another shot at his victim following his incarceration?

Most of you seem to like the work I've been sharing. Most of you trust me and like my work. I share my work simply because I am an artist and it is my nature to create and share work. I've been doing it all my life. And I think this is extremely rare. I don't think you're going to find another artist like me for a long time after I'm gone. People want to be stars more than anything, so they could not last long in a situation like mine. Their motivation hinges too much on hope of success in show business. But I will continue to produce work all the way to my grave whether the business ever wants to pay me for it or not. Under these conditions, I expect my work to turn out very well compared with the work of others who have fame and money foremost on their minds.

I bought a big box of nicotine gum before I ran out of money. We'll see if it keeps me from going crazy with no cigarettes.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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