Friday, May 5, 2017

Fraud's Best Friend

Fraud's Best Friend
I've been receiving generally positive feedback about my latest cartoon posts, featuring Wally the Street Squirrel. This is another resurrected character from my past, but perhaps one which escaped the grasp of those bums who copy and paste my work - at least partly. [May 6: I vaguely recall finding one of these strips in my brother Roger's account back in '07. Is this accurate?] I know I inadvertently rewrote all three of the strips I posted this month from an earlier date, but maybe I didn't share all of them the first time. The ones who stole this work might have been saying nasty things to explain my absence from the web as I worked on these cartoons. Unlike them, I start with a blank page. It takes a couple hours to figure out my script and then another couple of hours to decide how to best illustrate it. After that, I must go and download whatever images I need to help me with my figures and backgrounds. I need to use the store computer for that and it's about a one hour round trip on foot. Then when I get home I must start by penciling in the script and making sure all the words fit well into their squares. That takes about an hour. Then I must start sketching in the pictures and making sure everything looks right in pencil. That takes about four or five hours. Finally, I'm ready to go over everything with a Pilot 'fineliner' marker. It's slow going to keep everything nice and tight on the page. It ends up taking a few hours. And now I color my work. Coloring doesn't look like a very big job on a little 8 1/2" X 11" page, but it actually takes a long time to cover it with the point of a pencil crayon. It takes hours to color everything. The whole enterprise ends up taking anywhere from twelve to twenty-four hours of constant labor and I don't have time to go to the library and post a blog saying I'm not in jail while I'm doing it; I'm too absorbed by the work. But I'm taking a little break from it at the moment to discuss some other more serious matters.

Elections make me cringe because of the influence they give the media. This is the media that ganged up on me to broadcast their news reports in rhyming verse back when I first shared my verses in 2007. This is the media who tell everyone to worship fraud bands like Blue Rodeo who they know to have stolen at least one full album of my songs since 2007. And while they tell you all to love and worship these monstrous lying hateful creeps who can't write their own hits, they subtly instruct you to reject me when I'm the real talent and I'm totally innocent of any wrongdoing. They have such contempt for virtue that the best way to punish them is to make them see the truth. Truth makes them cry out in agony. It is the worst torture they can endure. They've invested so much time and effort in the vain construction of their artificial universe that truth strikes them as some kind of doomsday device that needs to be destroyed. They hate talent and truth and they love malice and grandiosity and envy based fraud. They could be backing me up with my assertions of the arrests and incarcerations of stars who committed fraud with my work, but they choose to oppose me. They joyfully hyped those frauds all the way to heaven and let children be lied to with my songs and cartoons and poems and comedy scripts. The media is fraud's best friend. And they hand you your election coverage.

The business, on the other hand, is not necessarily fraud's friend. They want you to take their contract seriously where it says that you must be the author of your work. If you bullshit them on your contract, they'll get you for it. If they were such good friends with frauds, they would stay loyal after the fraud was exposed to the public by the victim - as I have done for the last eight years with this Blogger account. Friends stay loyal, like the way all these crooked stars can still count on friendship from other stars. But the business has busted these fraud stars who stole my work in a very visible way, often forcing them to delay public appearances to administer justice. And if the media doesn't want to report it, the media will only look more foolish in the end.

There may be a time limit on suing but there is no time limit on my ownership of my work. If I want it back, it's mine to take back and those frauds will just have to learn to produce their own work if they want to stay on top. However, if they were actually capable of producing work at my level, wouldn't they have already done so before I came along?

May 5, 2:44pm: I'm back in this post to add a little more that I forgot yesterday. I heard something about Jay Leno's inset? today. Is that prick back in the public eye to do more harm? Do you know why I erased my discussions of his dick signing in prison? Because it's an ugly topic and I'm an artist who should be free to create beautiful work. But I must discuss Enola Jay's signed dick because the corrupt corporate media who hand us our election news won't breathe a word about his incarceration and punishment for stealing mountains of my blogs. They only wanted to put him on top of the top ten list of the world's funniest people for committing his evil crime with my work. What other nasty secrets are they hiding from us? And how much more of my work remains for them to manipulate their trusting subscribers into acts of hate against me? And isn't hate against the law in our country? Isn't it punishable by incarceration in a federal prison for several years? Isn't that where these irresponsible fraud hypers in the corporate media belong now, instead of being free to try to start another ten year fraud party made out of my posts?
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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