Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Punishment of the Disabled

The Punishment of the Disabled

All stars and bands mentioned here are guilty of committing fraud with my web posts. For a more complete list of stars who committed fraud with my work, visit my Copyright Issues page.

My status as a person with a disability in B.C. needs to be discussed at greater length, with an election coming up. I don't think I represent disabled people very well, myself, but I still think I qualify for the program.

At the time they approved my disability application for acute depression, my image had been so badly assaulted by fraud bands like Nickleback and Blue Rodeo that no employer would hire me. As such, I was as unqualified for employment as someone who just got out of jail for the twentieth time. Now local politicians have apparently taken this fact to stream repeat criminal offenders in with the disabled. It is a step which was sure to make the disability program more uncomfortable for its dependents. For starters, the front line workers who minister to the homeless are not trained to handle criminals and tend to be too trusting.

You outside readers may recall that I lost one friend and one close associate to suicide so far here. They were both talented. One was a poet and the other was an artist, but being on disability was such a horror for them that they ended up killing themselves. The disability program was already killing good people like that before this step was taken to make it even more unpleasant.

What does the news tell you by saying that problem offenders will be streamed in with the disabled? It does not tell you the whole truth, of course. You may gather that being unemployed is the worst thing that can happen to you and want to do anything to avoid it. And if they're using fear to make you stay in your job, then they don't have to worry about improving conditions in the workplace for you. Do you like that choice? It also tells you that the unemployed are hated. Yes, of course. But who precisely hates us? Is it everyone or is it just a few twits on the hill who think paradise comes from a Sears catalog? As far as I can tell, people want to help the disabled or there wouldn't be any public money available for us to collect on behalf of our disabilities. So if they want to help us, why would they hate us?

I know how it feels to be held back by others who do not share your abilities. Look what happened to all my hit songs and poems and blogs. Imagine my disappointment by persons in my home who may have been too disabled to properly use the washroom. But sending criminals to use my bathroom to turn tricks for drug money or to rebuild stolen bicycles out of parts adds on a layer of unpleasantness that I find almost life threatening.

If you're doing okay with a good job and a nice home, you should be too happy to hate the unemployed. But if you fall for the corporate mind manipulation that vilifies the unemployed, you may think that unemployed people are cheating you out of a better life. As for being unfulfilled in your job, that may be because you are not living precisely your dream at your job; you are living your employer's dream. Jobs will always fall short of fulfilling you in that area.

I distinctly hate half measures. They serve absolutely no one. If you hate the unemployed, round them up and do away with them. They'll probably thank you for it. On the other hand, if you want to help them, help them with some full measure that does not end up costing them their lives.

1:40pm: I'm back in the new library Strathcona branch to do a little sketching for this post. I'll post it for you later. I'm an artist who needs to do art to feel worthwhile. I don't plan on killing myself just to spare the egos of a bunch of rotten people on TV and the radio. And I don't plan on killing myself for being unemployed because I applied for a million jobs after I erased my work from the web in '07 and no one would hire me because they believed all the bullshit about me on their TV's and radios.

It's worth underlining this point about the TV news using fear to keep you in your job because these cutbacks always start with the disabled before they find their way to your job when you find out that you have no pension anymore. Or maybe you'll get laid off after working there for twenty-five years. But I have faith in people to stop it before it goes too far. Hitler also hated the disabled and murdered a few hundred thousand of them before public protest put a stop to it. Even the Germans who voted for Hitler thought it was wrong to attack the disabled. But if you like this new cruelty imposed on the disabled, I'll thank you when they come to take me to the gas chamber. It will spare me having to do their job for them, as was the case with my two deceased disability collecting but talented colleagues.

4:37pm: About being disabled, some workers may think of me as disabled because I can't get a job like them. By the same token, some employers think workers are disabled because they can't start their own businesses. Elections are less about shaping public policy than they are about putting a public stamp of approval on them. Any policy that hurts any innocent section of the population will be used to put the public's own stamp of approval on its own commensurate treatment by the government.

I'm unimpressed by First Slight Productions and their decision to shoot at the Astoria Hotel today. I couldn't exchange my empty cans for a refund because they were using the basement for their film production. I expressed my discontent as I strolled past their trailer and I swear I was threatened by one of their staff, though I can't be sure with these excellent earplugs. I don't need their production because I don't watch TV or go to the movies. (And I don't need radio because I have music in my head.) All the hypocrite stars who live on the west side must think these productions are just fine as long as they're starring in them and not forced to walk around them.

So I updated yesterday's cartoon post to improve the colors a bit and bring out the black more. And I've posted my little Christy Clark sketch to show you who I oppose here. I will vote for Melanie Mark because she grew up in my neighborhood and can represent me well in parliament.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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